Revised Parish Center Policies:
St. Patrick's Parish Center is a shared asset of our parish. Its primary purpose is to provide space for parish sponsored programs and activities.
As good stewards, each individual and group that uses the facility is accountable for its safe and responsible use.
Individuals or groups requesting use of the Parish Center must agree to all Parish Center Policies and Rules, and complete and submit the Parish Center Request Form. The pastor has final approval of each request.
All groups must remain in GOOD STANDING to have continued use of the Parish Center.
All non -St. Patrick Parish/School or groups associated with the Archdiocese of Washington groups are required to provide an annual Certificate of Insurance.
St. Patrick Church reserves the right to relocate an individual/group assigned room as needed.
St. Patrick Church is not able to provide space for such groups as:
Baptism celebrations/parties
Wedding receptions
Funeral Repasts
Birthday parties/Quinceañeras
The Parish Center follows the MCPS Inclement Weather policy- please be sure to check the MCPS website for weather delays or closings as it may impact your Parish Center reservation.
Children are to be supervised by their parents/guardians or a VIRTUS-certified adult at all times. Proper indoor behavior of children is expected. Improper indoor behavior (children running and being disruptive in the hallways of the Parish Center, entering areas not reserved by the group, destruction or stealing of property, vandalism, etc.) may result in the loss of facility use. Ball-playing of any kind and throwing of any objects is prohibited outside of the gym (i.e., hallways and classrooms).
Individuals and groups using the Parish Center will be financially responsible for damage to the building.
Updated: 8/12/2022
Parish Center rules:
Please treat the Parish Center with respect and responsibility.
Keypad codes are not to be shared outside of your particular group.
Exterior and interior doors are not to be propped open.
Tape, nails, tacks, staples on walls, columns, or ceilings are not to be used.
Open flame candles are not to be used.
Parish equipment, supplies, or materials may not be used without permission.
Use of the building is limited to the areas requested. Please use ONLY the entrance/exit doors assigned to your group.
You are responsible for cleaning up the room as other groups use the room after you. This includes pushing in chairs, wiping off tables if needed, erasing the boards, throwing away trash, etc.
All meeting rooms and classrooms must be left as they were found.
KITCHEN cleaning includes: wiping down counters, turning off sinks, lights, and warming ovens, clearing out refrigerator of any leftover food
GYM cleaning includes: sweeping the floors, turning off all lights
CLASSROOM cleaning includes: wiping down tables, pushing in chairs or returning them to their places, removing all trash from the room
Please be sure all event participants are out of the building before you turn off the lights and close all doors as you exit the building.
St. Patrick Church is not responsible for any lost belongings or damages to your property.
If your assigned room was uncleaned/damaged before your use, please take pictures and immediately notify the Parish Center Coordinator ([email protected]). This will release your group from being held responsible. If we do not receive a report of unclean/damage areas the group that used the room/facility last will be held responsible and billed appropriately.
If there is a problem with gaining access to the facility, please notify the Parish Center Coordinator 301-924-2285 or ([email protected]) during business hours. For after-hour emergencies, please contact facilities manager: Martin L'Etoile at 301-509-0144.
Updated: 8/12/2022