This year's baby bottles support Shady Grove Pregnancy Center which has been operating for 40 years! Shady Grove helps women and men facing an unplanned pregnancy. They provide support throughout the pregnancy and even after delivery. They also provide special services and support for dads-to-be, and a wide range of classes on topics such as healthy relationships, money management, nutrition, and of course, pregnancy and parenting.
St. Patrick's annual Holiday Giving season is starting soon! We are hoping to raise funds for gift cards before the end of November, so we are staring now. We plan to distribute gift cards for Thanksgiving holiday meals to about 900 families and gift cards for Christmas holiday meals to about 350 families and toys to about 750 children for Christmas. We need your support to make this possible!
This year marks our 12th Anniversary of participation in the Greg Gannon Canned Food Drive, an annual event bringing the whole parish together to help those in need. We will distribute bags next weekend and ask you to return them on Saturday, Nov. 16.
Andrew Rivas, Manager of Policy & Advocacy of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, will speak at the 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 12:00 noon Masses on Sunday, September 15th against a proposed Maryland Constitutional Amendment on the ballot in November. He will also be available after those Masses for any questions.
January 29 (6:30-8:00pm) - Dr. Marco Colombini will explain the hidden consequences of a proposed Maryland Constitutional Amendment. Click here to learn more and to RSVP.
Join fellow parishioners in marching for the protection of life in the womb! Our bus leaves St. Patrick's parking lot at 11:00am and returns by 5:30pm. To sign up, click here.
This year marks St. Patrick's 11th Anniversary of participation in the Greg Gannon Canned Food Drive. This year's big collection day is Sunday, November 19! Stay tuned for additional details.
Annual school supply drive supporting Stepping Stones family shelter. Bring your donations to Mass on Sunday, August 20th (8am-12 Noon). Click here for details.
Catholics are urged to pray, reflect, & act to protect religious freedom, especially rights of conscience, safeguarding the confessional, rights of student groups, and protection of sacred spaces from attacks.
St. Patrick's Simple Supper & Speaker Series is offered on these Fridays during Lent: March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 (5:30-6:45 pm) in the Parish Center. This year's theme: "Encountering Jesus during Lent."
St. Patrick’s is hosting a very important event on gender dysphoria on Monday, November 14 at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. Transgender indoctrination is occurring in Maryland public schools, hospitals, and government. It is important to be aware of this evil and fight against it. Fr. Brad Elliott, O.P., Dominican Friar, will host a Q&A and share the tradition of the Catholic Church as well as the church's pastoral response.
St. Patrick’s is collecting school supplies to support Stepping Stones Shelter on Sunday, August 14 (8:00-12:00 Noon). They already have collected some supplies, but below is a list of specific needs...