The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men who join together in family, religious, charitable, community and youth activities. Internationally there are nearly 1.6 million members. Father Peter Paul Maher Council #6793 is based primarily in St. Peter's Parish in Olney and St. Patrick's with 400 members as of 2010.
Father Peter Paul Maher Council operates within five major program areas: Church, Community, Council, Family and Youth. These programs encompass a large variety of activities that are philanthropic (such as financial support of seminarians, fund raising for the mentally handicapped, Christmas caroling at Montgomery General Hospital, and administration of a College Memorial Scholarship Program), spiritual (such as Memorial Masses and Communion Breakfasts), and social (such as dinner dances, family picnics and family parties). Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School on Old Vic Blvd. just south of Route 108 in Olney near the Olney Theater.